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School Meals

Hot school dinners are avaliable every day and menus are provided by EduCaterers with a price of £2.65 each day. They run on a 3 week cycle with 3 options every day; a 'red' meat option, a 'green' vegetarian option and a 'brown' jacket potato option. During the summer months, a 'blue' sandwich option will also be available. Throughout the year, there are themed days and weeks where the menu will change from the normal schedule. Please see the bottom of the page for the current menus.

All pupils, whether they are having a hot dinner or a home bought packed lunch, will sit together in the hall. Children are encouraged to use a knife and fork correctly in all year groups and will be guided to clear away their trays and keep their area tidy.

Free School Meals

The Government Universal free School Meal initiative launched on 1 September 2014 states that all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have their lunches free and provided by the school.

We positively promote this and encourage all parents to take up this offer. We estimate that it will save parents hundreds of pounds per year and provide children with a well-balanced and nutritious lunch.

Pupil Premium grant also gives children an entitlement to a free school meal along with other benefits. If you believe your child qualifies for Free School Meals, please let us know, even if you do not wish to partake in the school meal, since this has an impact on our Pupil Premium allocation. You can apply for free meals for Year 3 to 6 pupils by completing an Application Form. More support with this can be found on the link below.

Warwickshire County Council - Apply for free school meals

Packed lunches

If children do not have a meal provided by school, they will need to bring a healthy packed lunch. Drinks should be in an unbreakable container (please do not send hot or fizzy drinks). Parents are asked to provide children with a healthy lunchbox, containing no fizzy drinks or sweets allowed. Often children can be given too much to eat in their packed lunches which they find difficult. Children who have their own packed lunches bring their rubbish back home so that their parents have an indication of how much they have eaten that day. Parents would be informed if the school has any concerns about their child at lunchtimes. Due to allergy purposes, no nut spreads or nut based products (such as cereal bars) should be bought in as part of a packed lunch.

The Government’s “Change for Life” campaign has some hints on tips for healthy snacks and meals in the link below.

Healthier lunchboxes

snacks & milk

At morning break, all children are encouraged to eat fruit/vegetables and the younger children are given a piece of fruit or vegetable as part of the Government School Fruit Scheme.

Water is available throughout the day - children should bring in their own refillable water bottles. Milk is available at break time via Cool Milk, free to the under 5s - please see the leaflet below for details

Cool Milk Parent Information 


Should your child have an allergy to food items, it is your responsibility to let the school office know and to receive a full and detailed listing of allergens present within the menu range.


Menu 2nd September 2024 to 4 April 2025