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Safeguarding Curriculum

At St Marie's, we are committed to ensuring that all of our pupils recieve regular and up-to-date learning on staying safe both in and out of school and online. We look at how we can stay safe across the curriculum with dedicated lessons on a variety of topics.

These lessons include:

  • Ten:Ten curriculum
  • Protective Behaviours curriculum
  • Staying safe online (within our ICT lessons)

Please see below for more information on all of our safegaurding curriculum.


Ten:Ten is a curriculum designed for Catholic schools that focuses on Relationship and Health Education (RHE) within primary schools. As children progress through the school, they will learn about their bodies, families and staying safe, all linked with a religious understanding of how God made us all to be unique. 

Children in lower and upper Key Stage 2 will be given the opportunity to learn more about their own bodies and the changes it will go through as they grow up. Building on the understanding that we have been created out of love and for love, exploring how we take this calling into our family, friendships and relationships, and teaches strategies for developing healthy relationships and keeping safe both online and in our daily lives.


TEN:TEN Life to the Full Curriculum Overview


Protective behaviours

Protective behaviours are a course of lessons that take place in every year group from Reception to Year 6. As part of Warwickshire's aim to keep every child safe, pupils at St Marie's are given the knowledge to allow them to feel empowered and safe in their environments, learning to recognise if something feels wrong.

Topics covered each year include:

  • 'My network hand' - pupils identify trusted adults both inside and outside of school who they can speak to if they feel unsafe.
  • Feelings - pupils understand that no feelings are 'bad' and how to identify and manage negative feelings should they arise.
  • Body autonomy - pupils will understand that your body belongs to you.
  • Early warning signs - pupils will be taught to reflect and identify their early warning signs for when they feel nervous, anxious or angry and techniques of what to do in those situations.   BodySafety Poster

We All Have the Right to Feel Safe Booklet

Practical Advice for Keeping Children SafeLets Talk Magazine


staying safe online

At St Marie’s, online safety is at the core of all Computing teaching and provides the anchor for every lesson. Pupils are taught the three main components of Computing: Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information Technology. As part of our commitment to fostering a safe and responsible digital environment for our children, we send out a weekly e-safety email. These emails provide practical tips, age-appropriate advice, and resources to help guide children in navigating the online world safely.

E-safety is taught through both computing and RSE lessons, as well as reinforced and discussed each time children interact with technology. We enjoy celebrating events such as e-safety week, where we come together as a school to consider how we can be safe when using technology.

Please click here to see our weekly ICT newsletters.

ChildnetChildnet International is a registered UK charity that aims to make the internet a safe place for children and young people. Packed with resources it is a great resource for parents.

CEOP EducationThinkuknow is an education programme from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command. Since 2006, it aims to ensure that everyone has access to this practical information – children, young people, their parents and carers and the professionals who work with them. 

Building a Healthy Online World : SafeToNetSafeToNet is technology that educates children “in-the-moment” as they use their device. It is a safeguarding assistant that helps them become responsible and safe digital citizens. Its power lies in a smart keyboard that detects risks in real-time. It steers children away from trouble by filtering harmful outgoing messages before they can be sent and any damage can be done.