At St Maries Catholic Primary School, our desire is to nurture the potential in each individual. This is achieved through the fulfilment of statutory requirements; we want all children to leave us at the end of KS2 with a solid foundation of linguistic skills which can be applied at KS3 and beyond as well as a love of language learning and a thirst for knowledge.

Learning a language, is an important opportunity to foster compassion for other countries and develop a sense of curiosity about different cultures. Through Twinkl, children in KS2 develop their confidence of listening, speaking, reading and writing in French.


Our Key Stage 2 children receive weekly French lessons following the Twinkl scheme of work.

We aim for all pupils to:

  • Be aspirational; to challenge themselves to develop fluency, learning new vocabulary and using it effectively. To be reflective and evaluate their work, thinking about how they can improve their pronunciation.
  • Develop curiosity, asking questions about different cultures, experiences and how to communicate in another language. To compare and contrast cultures from around the world.
  • Be fully engaged in French lessons, developing a love of the language and an understanding of the French culture.


Each lesson focusses on a manageable step of new learning based on the National Curriculum.

What a typical lesson looks like:

Flashback: an opportunity for pupils to retrieve and build upon previously acquired skills.

Teach it: introduction to new learning with live modelling and explicit addressing of potential misconceptions. All Pupils participate through active learning strategies.

Practise it: Pupils practise listening, speaking, reading and writing in French. This includes my turn, your turn; partner talk; participating in stories, songs and games.

Following the Twinkl programme, the children study six units in each year group. Each unit and each new year aims to build on the knowledge from the previous.


Our MFL curriculum is inclusive in terms of delivering the same curriculum to all of our pupils irrespective of specific learning needs or disabilities and adapting where necessary through, for example, in class support, providing different learning environments, alternative learning activities and assessment outcomes to enable all learners to be engaged in their learning.


This is done through on-going formative assessment, within every lesson via questioning, speaking and listening, quizzes or puzzles, live marking and feedback.


useful links

BBC BItesizeLittle Red LanguagesFrench gamesDigital Dialects