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Religious Education

R.E. Lead - Miss Ott


At St Marie's, our vision is to support our children to attain a deeper knowledge and spiritual understanding of their Catholic faith. The teaching of Religious Education is at the heart of everything we do at St Marie’s, and helps us to fulfil our mission statement 'we ASPIRE to love, live and learn united as one family in the light of Christ'. Religious Education is taught through lessons using our Birmingham Diocesan programme 'Learning and Growing as the People of God' and also through celebrations, prayer and everyday experiences in school. The thematic approach enables RE to be taught through other subject areas, as links in learning provide the children with opportunities to make connections. There are also numerous opportunities for extended writing in RE and to enhance RE learning through the use of other areas of the curriculum, such as Art.


At St Marie's, we believe that it is important for all our pupils to learn from and about religion, so that they can understand the world around them. The aim of Religious Education in our school is to help children to acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions represented in Great Britain; to appreciate the way that religious beliefs shape life and behaviour, develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues and enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


At St. Marie's we follow the Archdiocese of Birmingham’s Curriculum Strategy for Religious Education in Catholic Schools called “Learning and Growing as people of God”. The strategy clearly lays out the steps to be taken in RE at each stage of the Primary Years. We then adapt this in order to make our lessons enjoyable and challenging for our children.

As part of the strategy the children learn about what it is to live as Christians today, how the Church is organised from global to parish level and also the opportunities which exist for them to participate in the life of the Church. Throughout the year the children also learn about the Liturgical Seasons and have opportunities to link learning to prayer and reflection.

There is a strong Sacramental focus in each year group. In Year 3 children are prepared to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion and in Year 5 and 6 pupils continue on their journey of faith by preparing for Confirmation. 

Our parish priest, Father Aji, regularly visits our school. He leads a number of Celebration Masses throughout the year and works closely with the children, guiding their journey of faith and being on hand to help them wherever he can. 


The Christian values of our school permeate the whole curriculum. We assess the children using the national and diocesan assessment 3 times a year. Children have regular opportunities to reflect on their own spirituality. As a Catholic School, the spiritual development and the formation of faith is at  the heart of everything that we do.


Children are assessed throughout the lesson with questionning, live marking and verbal feedback given in the class (as per the school's marking policy). Formal assessment is completed 3 times a year dependent on the diocese's set assessed units of focus.

Monitoring, evaluation and review

At various points in the year the following take place:

  • Learning walks and formal lesson observations
  • Book looks
  • Pupil voice interviews/surveys
  • Moderation of learning through book looks (in- school, MAC wide) 
  • Data analysis (individual, class, whole school)
  • Pupil progress meetings

Each monitoring period allows the school to further develop and support the provision of mathematics within the school. Including opportunities for:

  • Observing good practice / participating in team teach sessions
  •  Participation in further CPD
  • Developing the whole school curriculum to meet the needs of the children.


Collective Worship

Liturgy and prayer are an integral part of school life. The provision for prayer and liturgy alongside our curriculum promotes our Catholic faith.

There is whole school, key stage or class collective worship every day. These enable us to present themes and ideas to larger groups of children, which draws us together in understanding and agreeing common goals. Children play an active part in leading and participating in our worship. Visiting speakers are also invited from time to time covering a wide variety of topical, local and international issues.

We have termly masses at St Marie's church led by the Parish preist, Father Aji. Year groups in Key Stage 2 get the opportunity to lead Mass in turn by reading, praying and singing. We also have Masses on special feast days such as Ash Wednesday.


Children begin their preparation for First Holy Communion and Confession when they begin Year Three. Children will make their First Reconciliation before they make their First Holy Communion in June.  Preparation for those taking First Holy Communion will begin in January with in-school lessons each week. Children further develop their Faith when they are Confirmed in Year 6. This celebration takes place in June.


Prayer is a special part of our day. Children pray at various times during the school day including before and after lunch, and morning and end of day prayers. In addition to this, children experience different prayers and ways to pray in weekly class collective worship through our Prayer & Liturgy sessions and whole school assemblies. Each of our classes, are introduced and learn a set of prayers as they begin each year group, to widen their knowledge.